The Parsum probe makes it possible to monitor the layer growth inline and during the process when coating pellets or granulates, and to detect and quantify any problems such as agglomerate formation (twins) and spray drying.
Pellet coating on laboratory scale
Dietrich, S., Plitzko M., Reprint Petrak et al In-line measurement of layer thickness (PDF), CAV CHEMIE-ANLAGEN + VERFAHREN, 5/2010, 16-18, Konradin-Verlag, Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Wurster coating on production scale
Parsum probes permit optimal process control, short process times, maximum utilisation of system capacity and increased product quality thanks to the production of precisely defined layer thicknesses.
Hot-melt coating process
The IPP 70 continuously measures layer growth during hot-melt coating. The D24 disperser keeps the optics reliably free of deposits for several hours by means of constant flushing with compressed air.